Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Mucous Cyst- Covid-19 day 346

After picking up Bianca from school I took her straight to InstaCare. For a while now she’s been carrying a huge sore on her lip. 

At first I thought it was a canker sore, just like her dad who often gets really big ones. But after three weeks with not sign of improvement, I decided to take her in.

It turns out Bianca doesn’t have a canker sore. She has what the doctor calls Mucous Cyst on her lip.

Apparently, it is not harmful and it happens when the area suffers some type of trauma like bitting or hurting while sucking something.

The bad news is that there’s nothing we can do about it but wait- maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a month. 

If it starts hurting or bothering her, we can take her to the ear, nose, and throat doctor to have it drained.

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