Friday, February 5, 2021

Under rain- Covid-19 day 327

 Giovanna had riding lessons under snow/rain today. After one hour of class I went to pick her up and found her crying because her hands and feet were frozen.

I knew something like that might happen so I was prepared with hot cocoa for her to warm her cold body.

I love that they are enjoying the lessons, but I don’t like they doing it under bad weather. It makes them sick. Literally.

Last week Bianca had fever, sore throat, and runny nose after riding in a rainy afternoon. Gladly, she is feeling better now.

Tonight, before bedtime I gave both the girls Tylenol.

I really do hope the weather cooperates these next few weeks. I have already paid for the whole month of February, and I am not looking forward to see them riding under rain. 

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