Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Valentine’s Day 2021- Covid-19 day 338

 This past Saturday Ale and I had dinner at PF Chang’s for Valentines. Just the two of us. I love when we can have a time away from the girls, so we can talk and connect.

Then on Sunday we prepared a special lunch. Ale cooked delicious meat for us, and we had a typical Brazilian meal with white rice and salad.

During our meal we each wrote ten things we love about the other. Ale and I wrote what we love about each other, and Bianca and Giovi wrote what they love about each other.

It was so fun and nice! Bianca loves Giovi’s joyfulness and the fact she always plays with her. Giovi loves her little sister laugh and silliness.

Ale loves I am generous and worry about everyone. As for me, I absolutely love Ale’s sense of humor. I also love his smile and when he plays his guitar.

At night we had our traditional chocolate fountain with strawberries and bananas. I lit some candles and we had a cozy and romantic time.

It was a perfect Valentine’s day.

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