Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dr. Seuss- Covid-19 day 352

 Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. We love all your books!

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Two things about today:

1) I did miss Dr. Seuss birthday’s fuss at the girl’s school this year. I am not sure if they don’t really celebrate it, or if the lack of excitement was due to Covid. 

Dr. Seuss birthday 2018 and 2019.

2) Six Dr. Seuss books will not longer be sold due “racist content”. I love and praise equality, but some things are just dumb and unnecessary in my humble opinion:

•And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street (1937)

•McElligot’s pool (1947)

•If I ran the zoo (1950)

•Scrambled eggs super! (1953)

•On beyond zebra (1955)

•The cat’s quizzer (1976)

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