Monday, April 5, 2021

191st Annual Gen. Conf.- Covid-19 days 384-386

 General Conference was beautiful, spiritual, and enlightening as always. I love the sweet spirit Conference brings to our home. It is definitely my favorite weekend of the year.

My favorite talks were from our prophet Russell M. Nelson and Elder Gong. Twenty new temples were announced- one in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

I’ve decided to start reading/listening to the General Conferences since 1998- the year I was baptized. On the October Conference of 1998 President Hinkley was hoping to dedicate 100 temples by the year of 2000.

Twenty-one years later we have a total of two hundred fifty one temples- one hundred sixty eight dedicated, thirty five under construction, and forty eight announced.

Temples are such a blessing in our lives, and I can’t wait to be able to serve in the temple again.

Today starts Spring Break, and of course the first thing we did was sleep to our heart’s content. The girls spread blankets and pillows on the floor in my room, and we slept all afternoon. It was SO good, and so much needed!

Then, later on I didn’t have to worry about dinner. Ale took us to Texas Roadhouse- hurray! Then we took a walk around the mall and bought a couple of things at Bath & Body Works.

I am so excited for this week and for not having to wake up early!

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