Monday, April 12, 2021

Spring break wrap up- Covid-19 days 391-393

 Saturday we were planning to wake up early to go to Spring City and Manti, but I guess we were too tired from the day before and we over slept.

So instead, we had a delicious breakfast at Kneaders, then later on Ale took the girls to the rec center while I stayed home enjoying some quiet. They had fun until Giovi found poop in the pool!!! So they headed back home.

On Sunday, we did our home church, then I took the girls for a walk. We talked about plans for summer and gratitude.

I told the girls it is important wanting to improve and grow in life, but it is equally important to be grateful for what we already have and not take it for granted.

After our walk we came back home and baked some chocolate chips pumpkin cookies (my favorite), we made popcorn and hot cocoa, then we watched Coco- the best Sunday-ish movie I found. 

Although, our plans to go to St. George didn’t work, we managed to have an awesome Spring break. And I am sure the girls would agree with me. (Thank you daddy for making that possible).

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