Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Back to the gym- Covid-19 day 423

 Guess who is back to the gym?

Slowly, I am getting back to my exercise routine. So far, I have done classes I used to do at Vasa, like High Fitness and U-Jam.

Today I tried something new- Kickboxing, and I absolutely loved it! I know it will become one of my favorites. It is so much fun and it burns tons of calories!! Also, punching all my frustrations away is a plus!

I am really enjoying our rec center membership. Last Saturday, I took the girls to swim in the morning and it was awesome. Actually, it seems to be the best time to go swimming with just a few people in the pool, which means clean water and clean changing rooms.

Resuming old routines feels strange, exciting, and scary all at the same time. Even though I am still wearing a mask while in the common areas of the rec center, hand sanitizing my hands often, and being fully vaccinated, I still feel a little concerned about the virus.

After over a year in this pandemic, going back to "normal" doesn't feel so "normal" after all. I know it will take time to readjust, but we will get there.

I am just grateful and hopeful for my family and friends out there to be able to enjoy the same freedom soon.

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