Thursday, June 3, 2021

101 Degrees- Covid-19 day 445

It is hot. 95F hot to be more precise. Today I kept the girls inside all day. It is just not safe to anyone being out right now. And tomorrow will probably be another hot day.

I love summer, but sometimes it scares me a little. Remember last year when Bianca got heat rash?

Also, we need RAIN! Today UT governador Spencer Cox asked the people to unite in prayer for rain.

“I’ve already asked Utahns to conserve water by avoiding long showers, fixing leaky faucets, and planting waterside landscapes. But I fear those efforts alone won’t be enough to protect us. We need more rain, and we need it now. (…) Prayer is powerful, and I encourage all Utahns, regardless of religious affiliation, to join together on this weekend of prayer”.

I would also add it is crucial to have extra water stored. I do even though I don’t have a lot of space. Water is everything to me! I can go without food, but not without water.

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