Monday, June 28, 2021

Back to the 50’s- Covid-19 days 468-470

The weekend was busy and fun- just the way I like.

On Saturday daddy took us to Heber City to see the  “Back to the 50’s car show”. It was so much fun and there was so much to see!

The cars were beautiful and I wished I owned a 1956 Ford truck. I learned I can get one for as little as forty three thousand dollars. Guess I am not getting one anytime soon.

On our way back home we stopped at Leatherby’s for ice cream, then I took the girls to swim.

On Sunday we had our home church and we shared our testimonies about how Heavenly Father is aware of us and is ready to bless us in the right time.

It was beautiful and spiritual, and I shed one tear or two. I love this gospel. I love raising my girls with the knowledge that they are precious daughters of Heavenly Father and that they have a sacred purpose in this earth.

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