Thursday, July 22, 2021

Almost done- Covid-19 day 503

Next week will be our last one at Mtech before taking the much anticipated UNAR State Certification Exam. But today was about good laugh, good food, and some skills pass off. Each one in our class brought yummies to share, and for me it felt bittersweet already.

Going back to school after so many years being a stay-at-home mom was definitely smoother because of those guys. I will miss them. They are awesome and so uplifting. We help each other and we cheer for each other's success. And something like that is hard to find.

Ellie is the funniest one. Her heart is gold, and I liked her since day one. She recorded a video for the girls, and they loved it! They felt so special. I did talk a lot about them with my class. Ha!

UNAR state exam has been scheduled for first week of August. Fingers crossed!

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