Monday, August 2, 2021

Claire gets baptized- Covid-19 day 513

“If thou wilt turn unto me, and (…) repent of all thy transgressions, and be baptized, even in water, in the name of mine Only Begotten Son, (…) ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”.

-Moses 6:52

Claire got baptized this weekend. It was a beautiful ordinance. Her father and our friend Tales performed the baptism, and the confirmation along with other worthy priesthood holders.

I gifted Claire with a towel I cross stitch and sewed myself for her to use on her baptism day (and after that too). I am so glad she loves it!

Giovanna was invited to share a testimony, and I could not hold back my tears. She has such a sweet and yet strong testimony about this gospel!

After the ordinance we all head to the Britos home to enjoy some delicious Brazilian barbecue and to celebrate our sweet Claire.

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