Wednesday, August 4, 2021

New opportunities- Covid-19 day 515

 Today was a good day with good news. 

A couple of weeks ago Ale had a job interview with a different company, and today they called to extend an offer.

I am so happy and excited for this new (even better) chapter in our lives. Unicity was a blessing in our lives when we needed the most, and Ale has been the best employee, but we really need to move forward. 

This new opportunity has been definitely an answer for our prayers. Plus, it will help pay for my school tuition. Ha!

I am deeply grateful for so many blessings we’ve been receiving, specially on these last few months. For the first time I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel as far as financial stability. 

If everything goes well, Ale starts with the new company in a couple of months.

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