Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Camp Piuta- Covid-19 day 535

 Last weekend we headed to the beautiful Uinta Mountains to gather as family and friends and enjoy good company, good food, and good laughs.

Mindy's uncle and aunt are responsible for Camp Piuta where our church's  Young Women Camp takes place. With the camp site closing for the season, brother and sister Phillips wanted to gather family and friends for a delightful weekend together.

I am so grateful for these people in my life. They are truly wonderful, and I felt the Spirit so strong the whole time I was there with them. Their love, service, and devotion to their calling and God inspire me.

The girls had a blast. They tried archery for the first time, and I couldn't believe how fast they learned and how well they did it. I tried it too, and I gave up after my arrows started flying way too high or to the woods.

We slept in a big lodge with plenty of space to play, and plenty of bunk beds so the girls wouldn’t fight to sleep on the top one. After putting the kids to bed, we played Skull King under lantern lights.

Next year we will be doing this again. I can't wait.

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