Thursday, September 2, 2021

Behavior Jar- Covid-19 day 544

Bianca is growing, and growth comes with its challenges. Because of that, I came up with an idea to hopefully help improve Bianca’s behavior.

I separated seven marbles for each day of the week. Every day she misbehave I will put one marble in the jar. Every time she behaves I will take one out.

By the end of the week, if she has no marble in the jar, she can pick a prize- eat out, ice cream, bounce house, etc. But if by the end of the week she has marbles in the jar, she will loose privileges- sleeping in my room, TV time, candies, etc.

It is very similar to the one I made with them a couple of years ago.

Bianca is a loving girl with a very strong personality. I want her to able to control her temper and frustrations. Hopefully, that will help. We’ll see.

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