Thursday, September 9, 2021

School, Gymnastics, and Lab tests- Covid-19 day 551

Today after walking for three miles, I went to the girls’s school to volunteer during lunch/recess. 

I, along with other volunteer mamas, watched as the kids started coming out from the lunch room to the playground. We kept our eye on them while they went up and down on the swings, ran around, and occasionally needed assistance.

It was so fun to see the girls and have them run to give me a hug with big smiles.

I’ve always volunteered in my girls’s schools. I think it is so important, plus I love getting to know their friends.

I also took Giovanna to try a gymnastic class at Arete Gymnastics today. Last week I took her to High Altitude Tumbling in Provo. We are still deciding which one she likes the most to enroll her.

Later on, I headed to the Intermountain to get some lab tests done before I start working next Monday. I am so excited!

Tonight I am not making dinner. Ale just left to get pizza. I feel bad because the girls have already eaten pizza today for lunch, but I just can’t walk! 

I got rashes after walking around all day today, and they hurt so much! I am sitting down right now as I type, just waiting for my pizza, and looking forward to go to bed.

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