Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A lot more- Covid-19 day 592

 When we work in a hospital caring for patients, we start thinking a lot more about ourselves. At least, I know I do. 

I think a lot more about how I’ve been treating my body, what changes I need to make to live a healthier life, but mostly, I feel grateful- grateful for my health, for healthy children, and for the knowledge I have about word of wisdom and eternity.

These last few days I cared for young patients who came in with major complications from alcohol abuse, hyperglycemia, and Covid-19. Their cases gave me the determination to work even harder to care properly for the body my Heavenly Father gave me.

I also cared for a few patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. It is scary for them and for their loved ones, and I wish some of them had the comfort of knowing life doesn't end with death, and there is an eternity waiting for all of us beyond this veil.

"The state of our health affects every facet of our life- our feeling of personal well-being, our approach to work, our social interactions- even our service to the Lord"

-Barbara B. Smith

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