Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fracture Part II- Covid-19 day 586

 Remember Bianca fractured her wrist?

Well, today I took her to the orthopedics to check if she needed a cast or if she should keep the splint on. It turns out, the doctor said the splint was fine. BUT, I have to say that I've scheduled another appointment for her with a different doctor just because I didn't feel confident with this one.

The doctor didn't explain things, barely looked into our faces, was rude when Bianca was whining (because she has a major cold. Poor girl is feeling miserable), and he said I could tighten Bianca's splint myself when I asked him to take a look at it to make sure it was giving her wrist the right support.

So, next Monday she has another appointment all the way in Salt Lake at Primary's Children Hospital. (Yep, I hated the doctor this much).

I just want to make sure the splint will do a good job in healing her broken bones in the right place, or if a cast would be a better option since she is such an active girl and keeps moving her hand all.the.time.

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