Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas 2021- Covid-19 day 656

Our Christmas night was extra special with vovó Zete here with us. We cooked delicious dinner, Ale baked his famous rolls with cream cheese, and vovo made an amazing potato salad. After dinner we had a spiritual message and watched to our traditional Home Alone.

I love our Christmas. They are always so beautiful and cozy. I am grateful for being able to spend this wonderful time of the year who those I love the most. 

Friends always invite us to come over and spend Christmas eve with them, but even before Giovanna was born I had decided we would make our own traditions, like spending Christmas eve and Christmas day together as a family.

When the night was over, the girls left cookies and milk to Santa and rapidly fell asleep excited to see if they would find presents under the tree.

On Christmas day, after finding and opening gifts from Santa, we made gingerbread houses and chilled at home.

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas time with your loved ones too. 

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