Thursday, December 16, 2021

Christmas break- Covid-19 day 648

 I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of school before the girls start Christmas break. CHRISTMAS! Did this year fly by or what?!?

I also can’t believe vovó Zete is arriving next Monday from Brazil! She is staying for six months with us. It will be so good. The girls are so excited!

I am slowly getting everything ready for her arrival and Christmas. I had to buy a couple of last minute gifts for the girls, and improvise gifts for our teachers.

I feel so bad because the girls’s teachers deserve so much better. They are amazing! I just didn’t have time to think and prepare something nice. I feel like since I started working I don’t have energy for anything else.

Working a twelve hour night shift at the hospital has been really hard. My house needs attention, my kids need attention, my husband needs attention, (I need attention!!!),  and I can’t do it all. 

It’s been frustrating, I confess. Specially because I don’t have time for the girls as I used to have. That’s been the hardest for me. I am hoping with my mom coming, I will have the help I need, at least for a while so I can adjust to this new reality.

Today, I managed to do a little something for the teachers. I had the girls write a sweet Christmas card for them, and I hope they enjoy it. I mean, who doesn’t love chocolates, right?

When I asked Bianca how she did know her teacher like chocolate, she answered: “all teachers like cookies and chocolates”. Well, I guess she’s right. 

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