Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Girl’s Night Out- Covid-19 day 716

 Guess who went on a much needed and deserved girls night out? 


We had dinner at Little India in American Fork. Delicious food and delicious company. I love these gals! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Bibi loses her second tooth- Covid-19 day 715

 Guess who lost her second tooth over the weekend?

We were at the Britos when Bianca came downstairs with her tooth on her hands. I can't believe how easily her teeth have been coming out.

When we came back home, she placed her little tooth under the pillow for Tooth Fairy. The next morning, she rushed to see if she had a special prize waiting for her.

Well, guess what? Tooth Fairy never fails.

Monday, February 21, 2022

President’s day 2022- Covid-19 day 714

The girls have been home for President’s day break. Last Friday we invited Giovanna’s friend from school to go to the park, before heading to Salt Lake for Tales birthday party.

Today, we are chilling at home since I worked last night. We sat down to play playdough. We did pretty cool things. 

Later on we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse and dessert at Churros.

It was a beautiful snowy night.


Friday, February 18, 2022

Happy birthday Tales- Covid-19 day 711

 Tales is FORTY!

We surprised him with a party at Family Fun Center in Layton. It was an awesome night. I even roller blade with Giovanna. It reminded me when I used to roller blade at Eldorado Mall in Brazil back in 1996.

After the party we slept over their place. It is always so fun being with the Brito family. The girls played together, we cooked delicious food, talked, and laughed over piratão (the skull king card game).

Happy birthday Tales! We had lots of fun.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine’s Day 2022- Covid-19 day 707

Happy Valentine’s Day from our family to yours.

 We exchange gifts, and had our traditional chocolate fountain with strawberries and bananas.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Valentine’s prep- Covid-19 day 704

 I can’t believe how fast time is going by and soon we will be celebrating Valentine’s. Today vovó Zete and I helped the girls get ready for Valentine’s party at school.

As per tradition we made cute bags to carry the Valentine’s treats the girls will exchange with their classmates next week. This year Giovanna picked a brown bear, and Bianca picked an owl.

They turned out really cute! Also, next week we will be having our traditional chocolate fountain with strawberries. I can’t say who’s more excited for it in our home.

I love our little family and our Valentine’s traditions!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

I love you mom! -Covid-19 day 703

 Today my mom helped me clean and organize the pantry. I know I keep saying this, but I am so grateful for all her help! She does not only help me by keeping our home organized, but she also help me by constantly reminding I need to take care of myself, and I love that!

Yesterday, we drove to Costco to buy multivitamins for me to take. For a long time now I’ve been feeling tired and low energy. My mom suggested I should start taking vitamins. I hope it helps, because I hate feeling this way.

We’ve been also going to the gym together. It feels so good! I love having her company. It already makes me sad thinking about her leaving us in a few months.

I love you, mãezinha!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Utah Olympic Park- Covid-19 day 701

 Last Saturday our family drove to Park City. We visited the Utah Olympic Park. Last time we were there the girls were so little. Now they look so big in the pictures!

I am glad vovó Zete joined us. This is the second time she visits the park. First time was back in 2011.

After te park we stopped by at the outlets for some shopping.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Seven hundred days

 Today marks seven hundred days since Coronavirus hit and changed our lives. It's sad to think that although things have gotten better comparing to two years ago, we are still struggling with the effects and consequences of the virus.

Cases decrease and then spike again. When we think the Coronavirus saga is near end, variants of the virus emerges. Sometimes I think Covid-19 will never end. But we need to remain calm. I am so grateful for the knowledge the gospel of Jesus Christ gives that these are the last days, and things will get harder as our Savior's second coming approaches. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

Rocks- Covid-19 day 697

Mom is still with us. She’s been helping so much! When I get back home after working my 12-hour night shift, she wakes up the girls, gives them breakfast, and gets them ready for school, while I sleep for a little bit before driving them.

She’s been cooking, cleaning, and sewing for us. I am so grateful! Today she sewed a beautiful hat for me to wear at the hospital. That way I do not have to wash my hair every time I come back home from my shift.

It turned out so cute! She is making a few more, including some for me to wear on the holidays. I am excited to wear them all. 

Vovó Zete rocks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Endocrinologist- Covid-19 day 694

Today Giovanna had a annual visit with her endocrinologist to check her thyroid. Her weight is great, and she has grown over four centimeters since her last visit ten months ago.

The doctor asked for lab tests to check her T4 and TSH levels. We should be hearing back from them soon with the results. 

The doctor also said within this and next year Giovanna should grow considerably because of her age. I am excited for her!