Thursday, May 5, 2022

Hope of America 2022

This year my beautiful fifth grader participated in Hope of America, a beautiful program that gathers students from over 100 schools in the valley to celebrate America and to sing songs of hope, service, and patriotism.

Giovanna along with her classmates memorized sixteen songs to perform throughout the three-hour program. It was beautiful and touching.

I cried a little thinking that our kids are truly the hope of America, and it is our responsibility as parents to teach them how to be their best; raise them to be loving, caring, who respect and follow God’s commandments and the laws of this earth.

President James E. Faust once said: “Surely no more important work is to be done in this world than preparing our children to be God-fearing, happy, honorable, and productive”.

I sure hope to keep thriving in doing my very best to fulfill my sacred calling as a mother of these precious treasures of mine.

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