Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tom Sawyer

My baby girl participated in her first play at Timpanogos. Her class performed “Tom Sawyer”. I confess I didn’t know who Tom Sawyer actually was until I sat the whole family down to watch the movie a couple of weeks before the play.

It was actually a great idea, because I am sure if we hadn’t watched the movie, we wouldn’t have been able to understand the play.

Giovanna played , and se did so good. She even memorized the narrator part her teacher said she could read on the paper. All the kids did a great job!

Mindy and Bella came to watch Giovi perform. Vovó Zete was there too, and so was I and Bianca. Daddy had to work, but Ms Clyde made sure to record the play for those parents who weren’t able to attend it.

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