Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Memorial Day weekend

 This year we spent Memorial Day weekend in St. George. We left Orem on an ugly, rainy day, and got in St. George to find a beautiful, sunny weather.

Day 1

We got stuck on a horrible traffic on our way to St George, and got there late. As soon as we stopped the car to greet the Britos who were already there, the girls changed into their swim suits in the car, and jumped into the pool.

It was a looong trip, and the girls were excited for a night swim.

Day 2

On the very next day, we tried to wake up as early as we could to go to Ivins Reservoir. We packed lunch, chairs, kayaks, and everything we needed for a nice, fun time at the lake.

We spent a few hours there. The wind started picking up and blowing all our belongs away, so that was our cue to head back home. But we all enjoyed our time there, and the kids did a great job kayaking. 

Day 3

Last night the girls were so tired, they crashed on the couch. So today we decided not to make big plans. Grandma Marylynn gathered all her crafts and let the girls entertain themselves all morning. In the afternoon we visited Brigham Young winter home.

Day 4

Last day in St. George was cool. The temperature dropped a little which was perfect to visit the dunes at Snow Canyon, since there is no shade there.

We took our chairs, gallons of water, and sand toys to play. We buried the girls in the sand, made sand castles, and got into a sandball fight. It was so fun!

We went back home and washed all the sand in the pool. Then grandma Marylynn taught us how to play pickle ball, and we finished our trip with roasted marshmallows.

And I am already missing St. George!

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