Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Skin cancer

For several months now I’ve been struggling with persistent acne. About two months ago I scheduled an appointment with the dermatologist for today.

We went over a few things that have been bothering me for a while like my skin tag on my right eyelid, which he was able to remove (hooray), and warts around my back and belly.

While checking my back, what I thought to be a wart has been diagnosed as skin cancer after a biopsy was done. Fortunately, it was caught early and the treatment should be simple.

In the next three weeks I should be going back to the doctor so he can do an electrodesiccation and curettage, a surgical procedure where he scrapes all the cancerous skin and burns any remaining cancerous cells.

Then after caring for the wound for a few weeks at home, I will follow up with the doctor.

I am not scared if you ask me. I am just a little disappointed and surprised since I rigorously wear my sunscreen before sun exposure. But I know everything will be okay.

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