Thursday, June 23, 2022

Summer break

Ale and I are navigating through some changes and learning as we go while the girls are home for summer break and we are working.

Ale was able to change his schedule and work from home the two days I am working at the hospital. It’s been great. The girls are not alone, and I can actually take a nice, long nap before work. 

The days I am off work, I take the girls to somewhere fun (Thanksgiving Point membership has been great), or I take them to the pool. There are a lot of trips to the pool.

And there are a lot of TV time too- more than I would like, and more than I usually let them. But it works great when I need to take care of the house or catch up on my sleep.

Today was pool day. We got there around 6:00pm, and we didn’t leave until close to 10:00pm. The girls love a night swim. They got back home, ate, showered, and as soon as we finished prayers, they were already fast asleep.

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