Thursday, July 21, 2022

Frozen Yogurt

 The girls love Menchie’s, and I always take them there when I can. I also use all their coupons that come in the mail (yes, I still love couponing).

This time though, I decided to use the coupons I’ve been carrying in my wallet for a while now and take them to a new frozen yogurt place. I convinced the girls that the new place shouldn’t be so different from Menchie’s, so off we went.

Who knows my girls also knows when they like something they don’t usually do well with “generics”. Just in this case they liked the frozen yogurt, but they didn’t like the flavors which were completely different from Menchie’s.

When Giovanna finally decided to try a new flavor, the person in front of her in line got the last drop of ice cream letting Giovanna empty handed (but she had some of mine).

I guess I’ll still have to take them to Menchie’s. But only after getting my coupons in the mail. lol

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