Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bear Lake 2022 & Bianca loses her fourth tooth

Our little getaway to Bear Lake was wonderful. We had such a great time with family and friends. The weather was just right, and we were all able to get in the water. I heard the month of September in Bear Lake was supposed to be less crowded, but I guess with the days still being so warm, everybody had the same idea.

Day 1- Lake 

Everybody was happy playing in the water when Giovanna, who was kayaking, accidentally hit Bianca’s mouth, who was right behind her, with the kayak paddle and knocked her loose tooth out. And that's how she lost her fourth tooth.

After crying because of the situation and because she lost her tooth in the water, Bianca was happy again and ready to play.

We found a tiny shell that actually looked like a tooth to place under her pillow, because Tooth Fairy is always on the watch  and she knows everything.

Day 2- Biking & Movie night

Mornings at Bear Lake are BEAUTIFUL. On the second day, we took the bikes and rode all the way to the Marina. Then we just hung out around the house.

We stayed in an amazing airbnb with several rooms, big backyard, and a theater room. Of course, we gathered everyone and we watched Pinocchio

Day 3-  Lake & Ice cream

The sun was shining bright, and of course, the lake was calling our names.

I can’t believe how nice the weather was all those days there! The water was a bit chilly, but we didn’t mind. We had so much fun!

After lake, we drove to Caribbean Custard & Italian Ice. We had yummy ice cream, then we ran back to the car and turned the hot air on. lol

Day 4- Goodbye and Logan Temple

We woke up, gathered our things, and after breakfast we headed back home. But, of course, not without stopping by at the beautiful LDS Logan Temple.

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