Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas 2023

Christmas time has been one of my favorites holidays since I was a little girl. I am grateful for being able to make sweet Christmas memories with my own family. 




*Treats for Santa*

*Christmas morning*

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Finals- 2nd semester

 Second semester is over and I am SO HAPPY! It was for sure a long semester redoing and retaking same skills and tests. I passed all my classes and I am not ready to start third semester yet, so I will enjoy my much needed and deserved few weeks off.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Twinkle is back

 Our sweet Twinkle came back! She was found under our Christmas tree reading the scriptures with baby Jesus. She also brought surprises to girls-- Christmas pajamas straight from Santa's shop!


Twinkle brings so much joy to our home around this time of the year. The girls love it! We can't wait to see all her mischiefs. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023

Trick or treat, smell my feet

Gimme something good to eat! 

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the costumes, the spooky decorations, and the candies!

Last year the girls said they wanted to be the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. I bought the cutest costumes from Disney store just for them to change their minds and be something else. Boo.

Since I told them I was not going to buy a different costume for them, they had to improvise. Bianca was Hermine from Harry Potter, and Giovanna decided not to dress up this year. Boo.

Trick or treating happened in Lehi with the Matutes per tradition. We had chili soup and hot cocoa afterwards. Yum!

This year we also invited Bianca's friends from school for a Halloween night. They played, decorated Halloween cookies, and watched Hotel Transylvania. It was so fun they had already planned to do the same for Christmas. 

I am so happy I still have an eight-year old to plan these type of playdates! 

Happy Halloween to all! 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Giovanna is 13

 Giovanna is officially a TEEN! My heart aches a little.

 She didn't want a party or anything really, so we did our traditional breakfast in bed, then later we went to Olive Garden- her favorite restaurant still. 

Dear Giovanna,

You are the sunshine of our lives.

You bring so much joy to our home with your beautiful smile and your sweet spirit.

You are growing and becoming a wonderful young lady full of life and kindness.

I want you to know you can always count on Heavenly Father whom will be constantly watching over you.

I am so proud to be called your mamãe. Thank you for choosing me.



Monday, October 30, 2023

Giovanna goes to the temple

Last Saturday we woke up early and drove to North Salt Lake to leave Bianca with Mindy. After dropping her off, Ale, Giovanna and I headed to the Bountiful Utah Temple where Giovanna would perform her very first ordinance in that holy place.

Any member of the church who is at least twelve years old may be baptized for the dead after obtaining a recommend from the bishop or one of his counselors by completing a worthiness interview. 

Ale has been saving some of the hundreds and hundreds of names he's been finding all these years of genealogy specially for when Giovanna was old enough to be baptized for them. 

It was such a special moment entering the temple with my beautiful young woman. I might have cried a little when Ale extended his hand to take Giovi into the baptism waters. I still feel goosebumps remembering it. 

"The salvation of our dead ancestors is essential to our salvation. Our lives are closely tied to our ancestors' lives, for we cannot become perfect without them nor they without us"

D&C 128:15

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Guns N' Roses Concert

 Ale bought tickets for all of us to go to the Guns N' Roses concert in Salt Lake. 

Guns N' Roses is Ale's favorite band and he was excited to take his family to watch the concert with him. A few weeks ago he bought Guns N' Roses t-shirts for the girls and they have been wearing it everyday since then. I had to wash them before the concert.

It was fun and we really enjoyed it. Bianca was so good and only slept towards the end after singing and clapping her favorite songs. She is so cute and such a good sport! Giovanna recorded several songs and I am pretty sure her phone does not have any memory left. Haha

My favorite was Slash's solos. He is the best! Remember when we watched to his concert at The Depot?

It was a fun night that the girls will remember for years to come.  

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Fall break 2023 Idaho- Day 3

Day 3. Sunday. After check out and before heading back to Salt Lake, we drove one more time to Lava Hot Springs to soak in the warm waters of Portneuf river. It was so relaxing! The water that comes straight from the rocks is extremally hot and we can see the steam coming from the water, but as the spring gets closer to the river, the temperature gets cooler. It's amazing. Nature is absolutely perfect!

I was said it was time for us to come back home. The girls really enjoyed the trip (after a few frustrations) and are already asking when we are coming back. Lava Hot Springs on this time of the year is so beautiful with all the Fall colors and the chilly weather. I think camping in the summer would be fun too.