Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Avatar: The way of water

Studying has been keeping me busy. I knew it would be like that even before I started nursing school. But I also knew I was going to try my best to spend quality time with my family, especially with the girls. Every week I work really hard to finish all my assignments by Friday, so I am free to enjoy Saturday with them, since I work on Sundays.

Last Saturday our family went to the movies to watch the new Avatar. After debating possible headaches and anticipating some fear, we decided to watch it in 3D. It turned out to be the best choice. It definitely made the movie more interesting.

Avatar 2 is good, but LONG. Three hours and twelve minutes to be precise. I was so surprised the girls watched the entire thing without complaining. Of course, snacks and guarana played a big role in keeping them quiet. But I wouldn't take them again for a possible Avatar 3.

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