Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter 2023

 We came back home from St. George just in time to celebrate Easter. On Sunday the girls along with other children from Primary and the youth sang for the congregation. They had been singing the songs from the presentation for the past two weeks, and I didn't mind at all.

One of my favorite songs from the program is called Gethsemane, and it carries the sweetest message of the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  It says:

Jesus climbed the hill to the garden still

His steps were heavy and slow

Love and a prayer took Him there

To the place only He could go

Gethsemane, Jesus loves me

So He went willingly to the Gethsemane.

He felt all that was sad, wicked, or bad

All the pain we would ever know

While His friends were asleep, He fought to keep

His promise made long ago

Gethsemane, Jesus loves me

So He went willingly to Gethsemane.

The hardest thing that ever was done

The greatest pain that ever was known

The biggest battle that ever was won

This was done by Jesus

The fight was won by Jesus

Gethsemane, Jesus loves me

So He gives His gift to me from Gethsemane.

After church, we had our traditional Easter feast. I cooked our favorite garlic beef and broccoli lo mein, and our favorite Brazilian dessert- lime mousse. We also had our favorite Brazilian drink- guarana. 

Each one of us took turns saying what we love the most about Jesus Christ. Then we watched the Easter message Pres. Nelson recorded for all members (and no member too) of the church.


"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed".

Isaiah 53:5

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