Friday, June 2, 2023

Giovi is back!


Giovanna is back from her very first Girls Camp!

First of all, she came back home anxious to shower. Then she was excited to tell us all about camp. She connected with other young women and most importantly she drew closer to her Heavenly Father.

I love Young Women’s camp. I remember and cherish every moment I had and every learning when I was a young women just like my beautiful Giovanna. Our testimony of the reality of the gospel grows stronger and we feel energized to be and do better.

Her favorite part was the fireside we always do on the last day of camp where all young women and leaders can share their testimonies. It is a very emotional and spiritual moment.

Her least favorite part was hiking (of course). But she loved sleeping in the tent, all the fun activities, cool surprises, and yummy treats. 

P.S. Bianca missed her so much! 

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