Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day 2023

 For Labor Day we decided to take the girls to watch the much anticipated new Disney movie Haunted Mansion. I was so excited because everyone knows I LOVE everything Halloween. 

On our way to the movies I started to feel off with pressure in my bladder and urinal burning sensation. I made sure to stop at the convenience store to get water, because that's what I usually do when I start feeling like that.

Half way through the movie my symptoms started getting really bad until I couldn't handle anymore. We left the movies and drove straight to Instacare. They asked for a urine sample that looked like this

No wonder I was in so much pain! They gave me a prophylactic injection and sent me home with broad-spectrum antibiotics until my labs came back. This has been by far the worst UTI I have ever had. Hope it does not come back!

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Happy Labor Day!