Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023

Trick or treat, smell my feet

Gimme something good to eat! 

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the costumes, the spooky decorations, and the candies!

Last year the girls said they wanted to be the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. I bought the cutest costumes from Disney store just for them to change their minds and be something else. Boo.

Since I told them I was not going to buy a different costume for them, they had to improvise. Bianca was Hermine from Harry Potter, and Giovanna decided not to dress up this year. Boo.

Trick or treating happened in Lehi with the Matutes per tradition. We had chili soup and hot cocoa afterwards. Yum!

This year we also invited Bianca's friends from school for a Halloween night. They played, decorated Halloween cookies, and watched Hotel Transylvania. It was so fun they had already planned to do the same for Christmas. 

I am so happy I still have an eight-year old to plan these type of playdates! 

Happy Halloween to all!