Friday, September 20, 2024

Timp Carnival

 The girls were looking forward to the carnival at Timp Academy. Bianca kept asking all week long when I was going to buy her wrist band. She was so excited!

Ms. Kasi (Bianca’s art teacher) asked Giovi to come and help face painting the children. She was also very excited. Giovi misses Timp and her former teachers. She was happy to see them and some of her old friends. 

I think this is the first time we stayed throughout the whole thing. The girls had a lot of fun, and I even participated in the school’s auction, which I had never before. 

Bianca came back home with a “pet bunny” she won at one of the games. A couple of weeks ago the school had the kid decorate soda bottles for the carnival. Bianca didn’t want to make one, but was excited to get one from her friends. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Orthodontist- Bianca

 I took Bianca to two different orthodontist to have her teeth checked. I got two different answers. One of them suggested have her remove five teeth and wait, while the other one suggested braces. I really like both offices, now it is just a matter of deciding which way to go. 

I talked to Ale and we both think having her put braces might be the best option, specially because we went through the same thing with Giovanna (remember when she removed five teeth?), and now she needs braces and possibly surgery. 

With the treatment Bianca will have to wear an expander and braces to open up space for the permanent teeth come in. Then the second phase of the treatment will be to make sure her bite is correct and her teeth aligned. She is not excited about it, but at least she will be all done before Junior High. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bianca’s 9-year well being check

 Today I took Bianca for her annual check. She is doing great and growing beautifully. We do need to make sure she exercises and reduce sweets (which we will start after Halloween!!).

Dr. Viera was pleased with Bianca's reading routine and TV time- I've been always very careful with how much of screen time the girls have during the day.

My baby is growing so so fast!

Friday, September 6, 2024

16th anniversary

Ale woke me up with flowers and chocolate to celebrate our 16th anniversary. I love he always remembers it, and I hate I often forget it. 

For dinner we went to P. F Chang's- not Ale's favorite, but I appreciate him trying something new. 

 Dear Ale,

I fell truly blessed for having you in my life. 

You are a wonderful companion, and in the midst of responsibilities, deadlines, stress, and fears you are the one who holds my hand through it all. 

Together we built a beautiful family who I love and cherish more than anything in this world. 

And I am proud of us for having the courage to discover and rediscover each other (the good and bad), as we keep walking together towards eternity. 

I love you.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day 2024

When Giovanna was little and we lived close from Salt Lake I used to take her downtown all the time- sometimes to the Children’s Museum, sometimes to festivals, or just to walk around the temple. 

Today we headed downtown to meet the Britos for lunch. But first we stopped at the Capitol. I think last time I went there Giovanna was only four.

I love downtown Salt Lake! 

Happy Labor Day!

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Bianca and I FaceTiming before her bed time while I was at work. 

Te amo Bibi. You make so happy. 

**Also, September is here!!!**

Monday, August 19, 2024

Orthodentist- Giovanna

 Giovanna is back to the orthodontist's office. After five years and five teeth pulled out, it is finally time for her to wear braces. I took her to a couple of orthodontists near our home, and we found one that we really like. I just have to check what is the policy to change offices in case we move from Orem. 

Unfortunately, Giovanna will have to undergo a surgery to place a gold chain on her tooth that is growing completely out of place, and we are not thrilled about it. But the treatment will start with a spacer and braces, and it should be done in a couple of years. 

I also took Bianca and she will have to have a few teeth removed just like Giovi to free some space for the permanent ones. She has an appointment with a different orthodontist next week for a second opinion. 

Bianca is 9

Celebrating Bianca this year was an adventure. In the morning we woke her up with our traditional breakfast in bed. In the afternoon we all headed to Rodizio Grill for lunch. We let her open one present during each meal.

 We planned her birthday party on Saturday, the 17th at the Lindon Aquatics Center, but it got canceled with all the rain that poured out that day. 

So I got her party decorations and I decorated a beautiful table at home to sing happy birthday to her. Mindy and Tales came with the girls which made everything more fun.

We rescheduled Bibi’s party to following Saturday. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the party room available but we were able to use the cute pavilion right behind the pool. The weather was perfect and all her friends from school were able to come. Bianca was so happy! 

Friday, August 16, 2024

We love you Bibi

 I can’t believe this baby of mine will soon turn 9! She is growing up so fast, and although I am so excited to see all the great things she will accomplish, I’ve been holding her as tight as I can before she spreads her wings and fly. 

To know Bianca is to lover her. She is full of life, energy, creativity, and love. She is smart and thoughtful. She is funny and an absolute delight to be around. I am so happy and deeply grateful to be her mama. 

Dear Bibi, thank you for brightening our days with your smile, your hugs, your light, and your laughter. We love you more than words can express!

Finals- 4th semester

This semester was the hardest so far no doubt, and I even thought I was not going to pass. I don’t think I have put so much effort and studied so hard as I have this semester. It was sure challenging, and I am so happy it is over! 

Last semester here we go!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Back to school feast 2024

Since I started nursing school I haven’t had time to do all the things I used to do. I feel like all I do is study, and that makes me sad, because I know although the girls have been great navigating these waters with me, they miss our old, good routine. So when I have a chance I stretch my schedule and energy to keep our traditions alive. 

School is starting again next week. The girls are very excited to meet their teachers and see their friends. They’ve been picking new outfits, shoes, and backpacks, and it is always my favorite part about back to school. 

Today we also did our back to school feast. Because I am running with finals this week, I asked the girls to set up and decorate the table while I cooked. They went around the house grabbing all “school themed” things they could find. 

They are so cute, and the table turned out beautiful. They are already practicing for when they have their own children. Per tradition, I cooked our family favorite Garlic Beef & Broccoli Lo Mein. During dinner we talked about goals for this school year. Bianca wants to improve her reading, and Giovanna wants to do better in math.

I can't believe these beauties are in third and eighth grades already!