Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Lindon Temple

 I just want to record here that we are fortunate enough to see the Lord's House being built so close to us! I am grateful for being able to see the building progress everyday when I pick up Giovanna from school and go to church on Sundays (our church building is literally across the street). 

Sometimes Giovanna tells me she likes eating her lunch on the school grassy area just to see the temple. It warms my heart! I have deep love for the temples. It is my favorite place on earth to be. It brings me so much peace where I cannot find anywhere else.

I can't wait to start serving in this beautiful House of the Lord next year!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Temple with friends

 Today Giovi went to the temple with her friends. This is the best time for these young girls to be serving in the temple and building their testimony of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for having so many temples close from home, and for the knowledge I have they are the house of the Lord.

"In the temple, through the power of the Holy Spirit, knowledge is transformed into virtues. A person who attends the temple regularly grows more patient, more long-suffering, and charitable. In the temple knowledge is transformed into feelings of the heart, resulting in actions that build character".

Royden H. Derrick

Friday, April 12, 2024

Finals- 3rd semester

 I think this has been the best semester yet (if we can say that). And the best part? It is over!

One more semester down. Two more to go. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Spring break 2024

Spring break is officially here and to kick it off we drove all the way to Manti for the Manti Temple open house. I am awed how beautiful this temple is!

The weather was cold and rainy, and the sky was gray. But that didn't refrain thousands of people to come and stay in line for hours for the visitation. For those of us who had tickets the wait time was a little over two hours. For those who didn't have tickets the wait was five hours and a half!

The girls were wonderful and didn't complain. We had a beautiful time there. I love temples. It is my favorite place to go when I need a peaceful time, and I hope my girls grow up to love temples as much as I do.

What is Spring break without pool?? We decided to visit an aquatic center we haven't been before, so we packed our towels and headed to Lehi. It was so much fun and it felt like summer!

After all the swimming we were all ready for lunch at R&R. 

I also wanted to surprise the girls with a horse back riding class with Beth. With all the crazyness with school and work I haven't really had time to take to lessons anymore, so it was good to fresh up some skills and just have fun.

Spring + horses are not the perfect combination for those who have ALLERGIES! Poor girls, came back with watery eyes, itchy throat, and swollen but happy faces!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter 2024

 Happy Easter from our family to yours!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Our Easter was filled with love and yummy food. Ale gave a beautiful message about the Savior and His love for each one of us. Because He loves us He gave his life so we could come to this earth, be happy, be faithful, and return to our Heavenly Father's presence. 

I hid the Easter baskets and the girls had to find them. Giovanna got her much anticipated earbuds and Bianca got (her much anticipated as well) cookbook. 

And of course we had our traditional Easter lunch.