Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Happy birthday Ellie

Ellie is eleven. She wanted a Harry Potter theme for her party. Mindy and Tales did a great job turning their home into Hogwarts. Giovanna had the very same theme for her surprise birthday party when she turned eleven as well. It was really fun! 

Happy birthday Elena Claire! It's been so fun watching you grow up!

Monday, July 29, 2024


Remember when Giovanna was three and she ripped my favorite shirt? Well, eventually my mom came to visit and fixed it. And guess who is wearing it now???

I can’t believe Giovi is already wearing my clothes! She is so big and beautiful, inside and out. I am very, very proud of who she is becoming. 

Do you see the resemblance? 



I love you my forever baby Giovi.

Ale is 4.0

 Our big guy is 40. Happy, happy birthday to him!

The night before his birthday we took him out for dinner at his favorite restaurant- Rodizio Grill. Then on the 27th we celebrated him all day. In the morning, we prepared a special breakfast with french toast from Kneaders and a beautiful card Giovi made for him.

In the afternoon we headed to Salt Lake for Claire’s birthday party. It is so funny how they have birthdays so close to each other. Mindy made sure to have an extra cake to sing happy birthday to Ale as well. 

After the party, Mindy watched the girls so I could take Ale shooting. I wanted to do something different for his birthday and figured he would like that.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Back to school project

I finally took the girls to the store to complete our back to school project. A couple of Sundays ago the sisters from our ward handed us cute bags for us to fill up with school material for children in need. I got the two left bags from the bucket they were passing around during Relief Society class. 

The girls had fun going around and picking pencils, markers, composition books, and folders. It feels so good to do good! I couldn’t help but remember the times our family was in need and we were blessed by the good from other people. 

We will be dropping the bags to the Relief Society’s president house for her to take to the nearest Food Bank where they will be distributing them to the families in need. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Classic Skating- Orem

Guess where the girls wanted to go today? Classic Fun Skating. It’s been SO HOT I don’t dare taking the girls outside to ride bikes or swim. It is just not safe, so we were thinking of indoors places to go to. 

The girls really enjoy skating at Classic Fun, and ai can sit down and study (despite the loud music). They added new things to it and now they have a mini golfing. It is really cute and fun. Giovanna and I played a round while Bianca jumped on the bounce house. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Despicable Me 4

 Today we watched Despicable Me 4. It is an OK movie and the girls didn’t love it. Personally, I was never a big fan of Despicable Me, but the kids wanted to watch it so…

We watched the 3D version. The movie is a bit long and I caught Ale sleeping in a few scenes. The end of the movie is really cute and probably my favorite part. 

There are other movies coming up though that I am really excited to watch!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July 2024

 Happy Fourth!

In the afternoon we went to visit Alan who came back from the hospital to spend the 4th at home. Ale baptized Alan when he served his mission in Massachusetts. One year ago he was diagnosed with ALS and has been in and out of the hospital. It was nice to see him at home. We ate delicious cheeseburgers and talked while the kids played in the hot tube.

Late in the afternoon we headed to the Matutes like we do every year. Meeche who now has a pool invited everybody over to swim. We ate some more and spent most of the day in the water. 

As soon as it got darker we lit some firework on the street, then we watched the Thanksgiving Point fireworks. The kids had a blast!