Thursday, January 30, 2025

Art show

Today was Bianca’s art show at school and I was not looking forward to it. I was feeling sick, achy, and with zero motivation to get ready and drive, specially because it's been so cold and I do not like winter.

BUT somehow moms always find strength.. so off I went to the art show, and honestly I am glad I did. Bianca did a great job at making a model of Taj Mahal in India and coming up with an idea for the art contest "It is not what it seems".

She drew several airhead candies of different fruity flavors and wrote "Not healthy airheads". The idea is that candy must seen so good and attractive but it is not what it seems- it is actually not good nor healthy for our bodies. Plus, she made sure to all the candies were fruit flavored, because fruit is supposed to be healthy.

I am so impressed by her little brain and her critical thinking. I love her SO MUCH! And I am so proud of her. 

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