Friday, September 8, 2017

Potty Training Bianca

Bianca is two years old, and in our family it is time for babies starting using the potty. She showed some signs she was ready a couple of months ago but it turns out she is not quite ready yet.

It's been hard, and frustrating, and very tiring. She holds it for hours, she even announces when it is coming out, but when she seats on the potty she doesn't let it go. Then when it is time for a nap, or to go somewhere I put the diaper back on her then she does it.

One of these days we seated her on the potty and left her for a few minutes. When we came back she was sleeping! It was the cutest, funniest, and saddest thing I've ever seen. I think I will wait a little longer to potty train her.

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