Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Bella turns one

June 8th of last year I started sharing my birthday with baby Bella, daughter of our friend Mindy. This year I turned thirty-five and she turned one. Last Saturday we celebrated her first year with cake, pinata and splash pad! It was a hot day, and the kids had a blast.

We sang happy birthday to her, played in the water, hit the pinata, then when the party was over Mindy took me to a birthday shopping hunt night. She took me to three different stores to get gifts head-to-toes: shoes, clothes and face/hair products. It was so much fun! I got a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, a sport bra (instead of shoes, because it was hard to find my 5.5 size), and awesome skin products.

Thank you Mindy for my birthday surprise! I loved it! And thank you boys for watching the girls while we were out! Love you all!

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