Wednesday, June 13, 2018

35th birthday

A big thank you to those who made me feel so loved on my birthday with your beautiful messages on Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp, and also through text messages and phone calls. I always feel special on my birthday, but this year was extra special. Thank you!

On Friday my visiting teacher brought me a delicious soup when she found out I was sick (allergies+cold). Then on Saturday Ale and the girls took me to Kneader's for breakfast. Ale had cheese, eggs and sausage croissant, and I had french toast with cream and strawberries. The girls ate whatever we were eating and drank their favorite guava smoothie. After breakfast we headed to the park and sat down under the tree while the girls played on the playground. I talked to my family in Brazil and I showed them the beautiful day it was- sun, blue sky and green trees. I love summer! 

As soon as we got back home our neighbors called inviting our family to go to the pool. We had a great time! After pool they baked yummy brownies for my birthday, then we played games until late. Also that day the president of the Elder's quorum stopped by to deliver some dinner and dessert, so I didn't need to cook on my birthday. How nice is that?

On Sunday the Matutes planned a birthday dinner for me. They cooked our family's favorite Honduran dish: Taquitos. The Arbons made their famous Tres Leches cake and we sang happy birthday. It was a lovely evening around people I adore.

I feel so blessed for wonderful people Heavenly Father has put into my life. I love each one of them and I am grateful for them every day. I am blessed with a wonderful family who loves me beyond my imperfections and is always there for me.

My heart is full.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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