Saturday, October 26, 2013

Giovanna turns THREE!

Sofia the first is a kind little princess for whom Giovanna fell in love since its premiere in January of this year. So, of course, when I asked what theme she wanted for her 3rd birthday party, she immediately replied Sofia the First. I honestly loved the idea because I actually like princess Sofia, and I enjoy watching all the episodes with Giovanna.

I had a lot of fun planning this party, and the final result was beautiful. Everything looked adorable!

We had yummy treats and fun games. Giovanna had lots of fun at her party. I love she is growing and understanding things a little better.

Happy Birthday pretty girl!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tutta nostra famiglia

My sister ordered awesome caricatures of all of us. Can you figure out who is who?

Friday, September 6, 2013

5th anniversary

"You should express regularly to your wife and children your reverence and respect for her. Indeed, one of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother"

- Howard W. Hunter

I love you Alexandre Buck Bellini. Thank you for respecting me and loving me every day.

Happy anniversary!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Antelope Island

This past weekend I took my mom and Giovanna and drove to Antelope Island State Park in Davis County. It was a hot day, perfect to swim and enjoy the beauty of that place.

Next time we go there I want to see the Bisons. I heard it's beautiful!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July 2013

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays, and we had a whole day of fun planned. In the morning, I took my mom and Giovi to West Jordan to watch the parade. It was a HOT day, but we were lucky to find a shady spot to sit.

The parade was a little disappointing with tons of propaganda, and nothing really fun to see, but we got to enjoy each other's company and the Scottish hornpipe music I love.

Then later on, we headed to Murray to spend the afternoon with the Matutes at their new apartment. We swam and barbecued.

At night we watched the fireworks at the Murray park. It was beautiful!

Happy Fourth!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Happy Valentine's day everyone!

This year we celebrated Valentines with a delicious meal from our favorite restaurant: Olive Garden. Giovanna loves their salad and breadsticks! It's cute. She also enjoyed some strawberries covered in chocolate. They've been her favorite treat lately.

After dinner, we gave daddy- our special Valentine- a gift.  We gave him his favorite drink: Coca-Cola. I got the idea HERE.

Also this year, for the very first time I prepared Valentine's treats for Giovanna's preschool classmates. It was fun! I made hearts out of candy canes from last Christmas. They turned out really cute! I hope they love it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!

I am feeling so grateful for a whole new year to enjoy, create, love, improve, help, and write a beautiful story.

This year I planned a little party for just the three of us. I bought hats, necklaces, balloons, glow sticks and wands. Baby Giovi had lots of fun playing with them all.

 I also cooked carbonara pasta for dinner. Then at midnight we toasted and welcomed 2013.

After putting Giovanna to sleep, Ale and I headed to the balcony to play with sparkles.

 What a beautiful night with my little family. I love them.

Happy New Year!