Friday, February 7, 2014

Ana Carolina Mendes Valim AKA Aninha

Remember I said I would be introducing some family members? Today I want you to meet this beautiful person inside and out, my second mom, my sister. She is smart, independent, strong, creative, and with a huge heart.

We are just three years apart but I consider her my second mom because she took care of me while our mom was working. She cooked, cleaned, protected me, and even disciplined me (like all big sisters do). But she also played with me, danced with me, and woke me up during the night to guide her to the bathroom in the dark.

I miss her so much! I miss her advises, spontaneity, and sense of humor. And I miss her cakes and desserts too! She is one of my best friends. I know I can count on her anytime and she will always be there for me.

I'm so happy for having you in my life! Thank you for giving me the kindest big brother I could possible have, and for making me aunt of two wonderful children who I adore.

Love you Sis!

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