Saturday, February 8, 2014

Temple & Sushi

Ale and I have a goal this year to attend the temple together once a month. We started doing our family history a few months ago and since then Ale has found many records of his family from Italy.

So on this cloudy morning we took their names and together we headed to Jordan River Temple. I love being in the House of the Lord. Actually, every time I go to the temple it feels like home, a place where I really belong. Sometimes I wish I could stay there forever. I like who I am when I am there. 

It was a wonderful experience making the ordinances for Ale's ancestors. I felt they were truly happy with our help. And I cried. I cried tears of happiness for each one of them. The lovely sisters who were conducting the ordinances cried with me, rejoiced with me and shared the same sweet spirit in the initiatory room.

Later on we met some friends at Freestyle Sushi (Brad’s new restaurant) and had the best California rolls I've ever tried! Not to mention the Half-Baked sushi roll they have- an inside-out seaweed wrap with tempura shrimp, crab mix, cream cheese, avocado, spicy mayo and tempura crunch that I absolutely love! The freestyle nachos are really good too.

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