Monday, February 10, 2014

New goals for Monday

Recently I read an article about why we should choose Mondays to start a diet instead of other days. First thing the article points out is that starting diets on weekends, for example, "when we usually unwind from a busy week, can make us feel like we're punishing, not rewarding, ourselves. And a diet should never feel like a punishment".

Choosing Monday over another day, the article continues, also allows us time on the weekend to get prepared. We can fix our Monday lunch ahead of time, and even plan out our meals for the entire week.

It didn't take me long to be convinced and motivated to improve my eating habits and start exercising TODAY! I don't really have a bad eating habits, but I've been feeling so low energy lately. And I definitely need a lot of energy to do everything I need to do during the week. I think exercising regularly will do the trick!

I'm also planning to start dancing classes just to break my routine, get out of the house a little and have some fun!

So welcome Monday and let the works begin!

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