Thursday, February 6, 2014

EDX - Online Courses from the World's best Universities

I got my bachelor's degree a few years ago. Since then lots of things have changed- I got married, moved to the U.S, had a child, and my world has been fulfilled with the joy of being a mom and a wife.

But I've been missing my school days lately. I wish I could go back to school, but balancing family, work, and school seems too much right now, specially having Ale in school already. Because of that I started considering online classes.

After some research I found out about EDX, a website with online courses from a variety of universities- MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, University of Washington, Toronto, Hong Kong, etc. It is completely free, and most of the courses provide a certificate at the end.

I already took two classes related to my communication degree, and I just started a new one- The Challenges of Global Poverty offered by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). I'm really excited!

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