Monday, February 17, 2014


I can't express my happiness every time I see this cold weather changing to a rainy, windy days. Spring is almost here! Although winter is not bad at all here in Utah, I miss the warm days. They are busy, filled with outdoors activities and ice cream.

On our way to church today I couldn't stop noticing the trees. I love observing their determination to sprout after a long, heavy winter.

Sometimes in our life we go through different seasons, just like a tree. Seasons where the leaves are not so green, there are no fruits, no flowers. When winter comes we look at the tree (our life) and we feel sad. The tree seems to be dead. Where is its beauty? Is there any hope for that tree? And God says: There is hope! Spring will come and it'll bring color, fruits and beauty again. Because life remains in the tree, no matter what season it is going through.

No matter what season WE are going through, life remains in us and there are blessings waiting to be poured upon each one of us on the right time.

The messages during the sacrament meeting this past Sunday were uplifting. Giovanna stayed just fine at Sunbeam class, and even waved a happy bye-bye. I am really proud of her. The Primary teachers brought chocolate and s'mores to the kids for Valentines. Giovi was very excited.

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