Thursday, February 20, 2014

Just like Ariel

When we told Giovanna she was going to the Salon to get a haircut she wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

Yesterday she was watching Adele (her favorite singer believe it or not), and to make her feel more confident about the whole haircut thing her dad said the hairdresser was going to style her hair just like Adele's. Giovi didn’t like the idea. Apparently, she loves Adele’s voice but not her hair lol.

After some deliberation we finally agreed that princess Ariel has the most beautiful hair and Giovi should look just like her. So we headed happily to the Salon. Our little girl behaved very well and loved all the princess treatment.

Now she runs around so proud of her new look. When someone compliments her new haircut, she replies: "Just like Ariel".

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