Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Constructive Communication

Today the Marriage & Family Relations class was really special. We had the opportunity to share two qualities we admire in our spouse. It was a wonderful exercise. Life can be so overwhelming, sometimes we forget to take time to express how much we love and appreciate everything our companion does for us and our family.

We learned a precious lesson about how certain "constructive" criticism can actually be destructive. We also learned how to take the right approach (right time and carefully) when we need to talk to our spouse about something we don't like about them.

This week we should avoid saying things like: "You did it", "you should've", "you made me", and try a new approach to express our feelings: "When you do... I feel... because...".

For example: When you spend money on something we don't need I feel concerned because we don't have much money to spend.

I hope we can listen more, avoid criticism, keep our courtship alive, and don't be afraid to say sorry when needed. Let us always remember the sacred purpose of marriage and pray for its success.