Saturday, March 8, 2014

Temple Lessons

Happy International Women's Day!

I woke up this morning to find beautiful flowers and a beautiful card. What a wonderful surprise! Thanks babe! I love you too! :)

Last night Ale and I went to the Temple. We did ordinances for his great-great-grandparents. He is still doing a beautiful job on his family history. On our way to the Temple I kept thinking about life, people, behavior, decisions. When I got there and sat down at the chapel I opened the Book of Mormon on Lehi's vision (1 Nephi 8).

Here are the biggest lessons I learned last night at the temple:

-no one is perfect. We can't change people, but it's our responsibility to work on our own imperfections,  
-we should always try to find good in people,
-an equivocated attitude can compromise somebody's eternal life.

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