Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Giovanna gets a horse

This week started with a lot to do, organize, and clean. Yesterday Giovanna helped me do our Ovos de Pascoa. Easter is one of our favorite time of the year!

Today I organized our living room shelf where I keep all our games and keepsakes. I'm also planning to organize all the closets and hopefully get rid of some things by the end of this week, so we can enjoy Easter and have some friends over in a clean house.

Did I tell you Giovanna is into horses lately? Although she loves them, she is still a little afraid of them. A couple of weeks ago a friend saddled a horse for her but she didn't ride it at all. We will try it again soon.

After that, everyday now she says she wants a horse (a real one). I don't judge her,  I would love to have one too! Horses are my favorite animal. Anyways, after days asking, asking, and asking, I finally bought her one. And she loves it!

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